• LGBT Pride Month (June 2022)

    LGBTQI2-S is an acronym that stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex, Two-Spirit, although the acroymn can be used as a way to include anyone with a sexual orientation and/or gender identity that differs from the norm. Gender identity is one’s innermost concept of self as man, woman, a blend of both, or neither. One’s gender identity can be the same as, or different from, their sex assigned at birth. Sexual orientation is the inherent emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attraction to other people.

    A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun or person's name, in a sentence. Some examples of individuals pronouns are: she/her/hers, he/him/his, they/them, zie/zim/zir.

    LGBTQI2-S students are among the most vulnerable youth and are at risk for bullying, harassment, and sexual violence at disproportionately high rates. It’s important that educators, parents and other caregivers offer support and advocate for these students. LGBTQI2-S youth may face hostile and unsafe school climates and as a result negative outcomes may arise including:

    • Missing school
    • Lower academic achievement
    • Increased isolation,
    • Lowered self-esteem
    • Substance use/abuse
    • Increased suicidality
    • Fewer plans for post-secondary education
    • Poorer psychological well-being (i.e., higher levels of depression and lower self-esteem)

    Below you can find resources to promote a safe and healthy environment for LGBTQI2-S students.

    Highland Central School District has two GSA (Gender and Sexuality Alliance) clubs at the Middle and High School. At club meetings, students and faculty talk about LGBTQ topics in a safe space.

    Highland Middle School GSA advisors: Eileen McElroy and Leona Pcolar:;
    Contact Ms. McElroy and Ms. PColar for meeting times and links.

    Highland High School GSA advisor: Harriet Meyer:
    Meeting Time/Date: Tuesdays during activity period 2
    Meeting Location: GSA Schoology Group (please email contact for access to the group)


    The Trevor Project FAQ for LGBTQ Youth and Allies

    For parents of LGBTQ youth:

    For crisis support: