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Winter sports athletes posing for a photo
The winter track team posing for a photo
Cheerleaders posing for a photo
Boys basketball team

Upcoming Games

Contact Us

Frank Alfonso
Director of Athletics

John Kenney
Athletics Trainer

Julie Miller

Phone: (845) 691-1032 


Athletic Offerings

Athletic Placement

Generally, Grade 7 and 8 students are permitted to try out for JV and Varsity Sports by going through the Athletic Placement Process. Student athletes that pass the process by having a satisfactory Tanner scale and achieving passing scores on the fitness test will then be permitted to try out for the higher level sport of their choice. Mixed competition testing is also being held for any student looking to participate in a sport organized primarily for one sex (i.e.; a female that would like to try out for Wrestling). A current physical reflecting the athlete's Tanner scale and permission forms must be submitted and completed prior to the testing date. The Athletic Office will supply forms needed.

Sports Registration

Registration for Spring Sports will open in February. 

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