How Do I...?
Register New Students?
For all students, Grades K-12, you will need a birth certificate, immunization record, proof of residency, and most recent report card. Please call Elizabeth Salanitri for registration information at (845) 691-1020 ext. 1032, or visit the New Student Registration Website.Schedule a Meeting with a Teacher?
Contact your child’s teacher or counselor.
Ask Questions on a Student’s Schedule or Check on a Student’s Academic Progress?
In the Elementary Schools, contact your child's classroom teacher. In the Middle School or High School, contact your child’s counselor.
Visit a Teacher or Classroom?
Call or send a letter to the building principal to request an appointment. Register with the
office when you arrive at the building.
Discuss Transportation Questions?
Phone the District Transportation
Office at (845) 691-1040.Obtain Classroom Assignments for a
Student with a Prolonged Illness?
Phone your child’s school. Please allow ample time for the assignments to be gathered.
Make arrangements to pick up the assignments at the end of the day.
Have Medication Administered During School Hours?
Submit a written request to the school nurse, along with written permission indicating prescribed dosage from a physician. Do not send medication to school with the student. Parents should bring medication to the nurse in prescription containers. Unused controlled substance medicine must be picked up by the parent.
Resolve a School-Related Problem?
For a classroom-related problem, contact the teacher first. If it is not resolved, contact the
building principal. For a building-related problem, contact the building principal.
Inform the Board of Education of an Opinion?
Attend a Board of Education meeting or contact the District Clerk at (845) 235-0842.