Highland Central School District has four school psychologists:
School psychologists are highly trained professionals with expertise in educational psychology, mental health, child development, consultation, and academic, remedial, behavioral, and mental health interventions. School psychologists provide a wide array of services such as school-based counseling, evaluations for behavioral and learning challenges, and consultation with parents, teachers, and administrators. They also assist in crisis intervention, which may include assessing risk for self-harm.
School psychologists in Highland are integral to the Instructional Support Team/Response to Intervention (IST/RTI) process in every building. They are also very involved in bullying prevention efforts, including implementing supportive interventions as mandated by the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA), and consulting with each building to implement Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Finally, school psychologists in Highland are designated as chairpersons for Committees on Special Education (CSEs) for their respective grade levels, and may be involved in the 504 process.
This page is designed to serve as a resource for parents, staff and students, to provide useful information about common school and childhood issues such as ADHD, Autism, learning disabilities, bullying, and mental health. Please see links to the left, and check back often. Also, please see our individual websites for additional information on age or building-specific topics.
Resources for community counseling, or if your child is in crisis.
National School Psychology Week
During the week of November 6-10, 2023 schools throughout the United States will celebrate National School Psychology Week (NSPW) to highlight the important work school psychologists and other educators do to help all students thrive. This year's theme is "Let's Grow Together," inspired by the importance of both personal and shared strengths in our growth as individuals and school communities in every season of life. The theme recognizes every aspect of growth as fundamental to effective learning environments and to school psychologists' role in supporting student well-being and learning.