• Hello! Hola! Bonjour! Nǐn hǎo! Ciao! Guten Tag! Konnichiwa! Olá! Asalaam alaikum! Namaste! Shalom!

    Dear Students and Families,                                                                                                          

    I miss you all very much, and I'm sending you all virtual hugs! As you know, to keep our students and staff healthy, we are unable to learn in school together right now. I will be using this website to update you with things to work on at home. The activities that are posted will reinforce the skills we have been learning and working on all year.  

    In the “Home” section you will find several activities that I would like you to do one day at a time. There is more information in that section to help guide you through each activity.

    In the “Resources” section you will find several different websites that are fun ways to practice your academic skills through fun and engaging games. Many of these websites offer games in both English and Spanish.

    As always, please contact me through e-mail with any questions as I am here to help.  My email is aloewenthal@highland-k12.org.  I would love to hear from you all so please stay in touch. 

    Stay healthy and happy!


    Mrs. Loewenthal