This page will be used as an informational space for the HCSD Community during the Covid-19 Pandemic Outbreak.
Letters written to the HCSD Community regarding reopening will also be posted here.
Stay Safe!
12/4/20 - Parent-Guardian Letter-Important Information-NYS Cluster Action Initiative - Word format
12/4/20 - Carta de Padres-Guardianes - Word format
Carta de Padres-Guardianes - PDF
Past Communications
12/1/20 - Supt. Bongiovi Update
NYS Dept. of Health Pre-K - Gr. 12 COVID-19 Toolkit
9/30/20 - Parent Forum Zoom Recording
https://ulsterboces.zoom.us/rec/share/syqyCrdPbuGdeQLcjW6_YwDoadPInJjmpiNNNVN1YUMmO57RM8M752v5RmX-5CH1.NIfcEFOQNBdr1BLC [ulsterboces.zoom.us]
Passcode: fe%*m*039/30/20 - Phased Reopening Presentation
8-27-20 HCSD Remote Reopening Presentation - Parents
8-19-20 HCSD Reopening Phase-In Chart
8-17-20 Parent Reopening Presentation
8-12-20 Reopening FAQ (posted 8.12.20)
8-11-20 Reopening Meetings Announced! Submit Your Questions Here. (posted 8.11.20)
8-6-20 Letter from Supt. Bongiovi to Parents/Guardians Regarding Remote Learning
8-5-20 August 5, 2020 Letter from Supt. Bongiovi to Parents/Guardians Regarding Reopening Options
8-4-20 HCSD Reopening Presentation to the BOE
ESP. - HCSD Reopening Presentation to the BOE, 8.4.20
HCSD Recorded Meetings
Video List 8-18-20 - Parent Reopening Meeting #3
Author:Length:Video List 8.17.20 HCSD Parent Reopening Meeting #2
Author:Length:Video List 8.13.20 Parent Reopening Meeting #1