7th and 8th grade math

  • You can reach me via email at sjansen@highland-k12.org anytime.

    This week in 7th Grade math...We are working on calculating Unit Rate and using Rate to solve real-world problems.

    Students who do not have a calculator at home should see me to sign out a school calculator.


    This week in 8th Grade math...We are working on the laws of exponents



    There is a sign on my door alerting students to when I am available for extra help.  SAIL will start 9/30, and will be held on most Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.  I will be at SAIL most of those days as the math tutor.  Students must be signed up to attend SAIL. 


    If your child is NOT signed up for SAIL, you can sign them up through the guidance office. Students must have a signed permission/ contract form in order to attend SAIL.




    **We are using TAPE DIAGRAMS to help students understand the concepts of original price, sale price, discount, mark-up, etc. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lwd0ftYOYEU  This is a youtube video on the basic uses of tape diagrams.


    Students should be logging on to www.runmoby.com to work on their math skills for a minimum of 20 minutes per week.  This is homework.  However, if a student does not have access to the internet at home, they are welcome to use school computers during a study hall, lunch, or AIS math.  This is a site that we are using to help students improve their math skills.

    school code: ny3671

    If you need your child's username and password please email me and I will send it to you.


    Activities that you can do with your student to support their math skills:

    Play the INTEGER GAME with your student.  See RESOURCES for more details.

    Look at the RANGE of temperature in a single day.  What is the distance between -2 degrees and +12 degrees?  How do you find it?  Look at a thermometer and talk about the difference between Celsius and Fahrenheit

    Banking - Teach your child how to keep a checkbook.  If they have their own bank account, show them the ledger and bank statement each month

    Credit/Debit - Talk to your child about the difference between using a debit card and credit card.  It's never too late the learn about the DANGERS of credit card use (and the benefits)

    BAKING - have your son/daughter double or cut a recipe in 1/2.  This is great practice for fractions


    Grocery Shopping - figure out the "better buy" between two brands of the same product.  They might help you save money while they are learning! ($/quantity = unit price)

    Gas Mileage - keep a log of the amount of gas you put in your gas tank and how many miles you travel on that amount of gas. Then, have your son/daughter calculate your gas mileage. Talk about why you might sometimes get better/worse gas mileage.

    Read the Newspaper - have your son/daughter look for graphs in the newspaper and make predictions based on the information in the graph.