Pupil Personnel Services
Pupil Personnel Services
If you suspect your child has a disability which adversely affects his/her educational performance, which may require special education support and services and you are enrolling your child in a public or nonpublic school and seeking support for your child while your child attends school, please contact your student's teacher/guidance counselor first, or you may initiate a referral by writing to the Committee on Special Education (“CSE”) in this school district or where the nonpublic school is located.
- Once we receive the referral, written consent will be sent for your signature. Once returned, the evaluations will be scheduled and once completed, the CSE Chair will reach out to you to schedule an Initial Eligibility Meeting to determine if your child is eligible to receive special education services. At the moment, we are currently holding meetings via ZOOM, but if you would prefer an in-person meeting, please let the CSE Chair know.
PLEASE NOTE: If your child is of preschool age, you will need to register them with the district first and include a short statement of what difficulties your student is experiencing. Please contact Elizabeth Salanitri, Registrar, at 845-691-1032 or esalanitri@highland-k12.org.
- Once your child is registered and we have received your referral letter, we will issue a consent to sign and return. With your consent, you will need to pick two Ulster County 4410 approved evaluators. The sheet of current agencies available will be provided. Once consent and agency preference are received, we will reach out to your primary agency and they will contact you to schedule the necessary evaluations. Once evaluations are complete, our CPSE Chair will reach out to schedule an Initial Eligibility meeting to determine if your child is eligible to receive special education services. At the moment, we are currently holding meetings via ZOOM, but if you would prefer an in-person meeting, please let the CPSE Chair know.
You are always welcome to contact PPS directly at:
Dr. Patrick Boyd, Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services/Human Resources
Department of Pupil Personnel Services
Highland Central School District
320 Pancake Hollow Road
Highland, NY 12528
Voice: 845 - 691- 1023
Fax: 845 - 691 - 1024
pboyd@highland-k12.orgVirginia Bieszad, Administrative Assistant for Pupil Personnel Services/Human Resources
Voice: 845-691-1023
Fax: 845-691-1024